Week of 02 Mar 2025

“You’re sure you wanna dance that dance?”

Achievements Earned In:
- Minecraft
- Hitman HD Pack
- Evil West

I popped into Minecraft on the Switch real quick on Sunday to grab an achievement, both for my streak and for my final daub in TA’s Alphabet Bingo. I wasn’t really trying to take part in the event, but as the final day approached I had accidentally daubed all but the “O” space, so figured I might as well get a Cover All! 

Achievements unlocked: 119 (+10) | Completion: 92%

It didn’t take long, but I finished my first game in the Hitman HD Pack this week. By the end of Monday I’d reached the final level, but on Professional that was a heck of a time. It took me long enough that when I finished my playthrough finally, it was Monday morning. Whoops. A low-sleep day of work later and I had to play the final mission again to unlock the glitched Normal difficulty achievement and save myself another playthrough. I actually had far more trouble this additional time, which was pretty annoying. The most annoying part of wrapping up Hitman 2 was probably collecting all of the weapons. To “collect and display” a weapon in the hideout, you have to be holding it when you finish a mission. But, if you, say, finish a mission, have it in your hand and a new mission starts up, it sure seems like if you then drop it you lose it. It took me a bit to figure out this was happening so I had to replay some multi-part levels multiple times. This is all still on Professional difficulty, mind you. But, I got my last couple on Wednesday and finished this up for now. I have other things to do before getting to Hitman 3!

Achievements unlocked: 24 (+14) | Completion: 24%

I’m gonna prank this guy so hard. He’s gonna die.

One thing I wanted to get to was a “leaving Game Pass” game, and I decided I’d do Evil West out of the list. I’d tested this before on my alt and found it kinda tough, but for a “AA game” it looks really pretty. After truly sitting down and learning the mechanics (and not having people over having fun and distracting me), it’s actually not very hard, either. Granted, I’m good at hectic situations and keeping cool (though maybe not not angry…) so even as they threw more and more monsters at me, I was able to clear each arena out. And, that’s kind of the game: you wander through a linear path to the next suspiciously open area before being descended upon by monsters, picking up collectibles (cash and lore) between each one, and repeat until the end of the level. Luckily, the combat is fun and you’re given new weapons and abilities all the way up to the final level, meaning you have quite an array of ways to murder everything around you. Even better, you’re given a New Game+ option once the game is over, so you can very easily return to get the boss-specific achievements, or make your “Evil” (hard) playthrough that much easier.

On the latter, I got to that playthrough on Saturday, knocking it all out in about 5 hours. It always feels good going back and just demolishing a subsequent playthrough once you have all the collectibles, upgrades, and such. Even with my gamer skillz and cadre of abilities/upgrades, the last few levels and encounters on Evil were pretty annoying, especially once the Gasters and Hive Crones show up. If I saw a floating skull or honeycomb, I’d immediately pop every cooldown I had to make sure those enemies went down first. Everyone else I can usually block and parry easily enough, even in large groups. As for bosses, the only one that gave me issues on the harder playthrough was William Rentier as a Sanguisuge, who can easily take you out with his hard-to-read slug attack. I just struggled a lot to dodge them! But, there are multiple checkpoints during the fight which takes the pressure off. A cool game and a very manageable completion overall!

Achievements unlocked: 29 (+29) | Completed

Oh no, I came to the wrong side of town.

Highest ratio: 4.74

Weird West Superhero (Evil West)

Lowest ratio:

Pointless Violence (Evil West)

as of 09 Mar 2025 @ 14:11 CDT


Week of 23 Feb 2025