Week of 29 Dec 2024

“You’re trapped like a fart in an elevator.”

Achievements Earned In:
- Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt. 1
- Minecraft
- Figment: Journey Into the Mind

The first playthrough for Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 went easily enough the week prior, so this week was getting the next two playthroughs done. First, I needed to post a score in every challenge. I was worried when I saw those achievements in the list because what if the connection wasn’t working anymore? Luckily, it was a moot point and everything still works fine. There were a couple challenges that were a tad annoying, but since you solely have to score any amount it’s not hard. Then it was back to the main game! The first playthrough this week was on Easy, so I could grab all the collectibles. The only tough part here is that there is no way to go back to grab any Quibblers or Potterwatch passwords, so missing a single one means another playthrough! Luckily, I managed to snag everything easy enough following a guide, and even easier when you can grab collectibles while under the Cloak of Invisibility, making it easy to grab them and sneak into the next section without getting into combat. This made that playthrough pretty quick, as it’s on Easy so even when combat was unavoidable I could take few precautions and just mow down the opposition. Though, honestly, when I moved to Hard it wasn’t much more difficult. And, even when you do die, the checkpoints are very forgiving, at least in the main storyline. When you get into the side missions, the checkpoints are only at the beginning, so dying there will cause you to have to redo it all. But none of this is long, so it’s a minor issue. Took me a single session to make it through Hard on Wednesday. Finally, it was time for Kinect. A scary proposition, but it ended up being not too bad. Sure, it’s finicky, but it worked well enough to be painless. BlueMelodia also happily assisted me, since you have to complete all the one- and two-player missions. Definitely prefer using Stupefy and Confringo. And that’s that!

Achievements unlocked: 49 (+17) | Completed

If we kiss, Ron, the Death Eaters won’t find us or something.

Jumped into the Nintendo Switch version of Minecraft quickly on Friday to unlock an achievement before bed. Nothing really noteworthy. This game helps so much keeping my streak going!

Achievements unlocked: 118 (+1) | Completion: 91%

Before it leaves Game Pass, I decided to start up Figment: Journey Into the Mind on Saturday. Following the walkthrough on TrueAchievements makes this a fairly short completion. The game itself is action in combat, but definitely primarily a puzzle game. This is why a guide makes this so much quicker, as you can speed through with all of the solutions. The story isn’t anything to write home about, as you’re the embodiment of the mind’s courage on a quest to retrieve your stolen mug and journal. It’s a cute little game, though my achievement in the second zone glitched, meaning I’ll have to play through up to that point again later to fix it. And I only have an hour or so left of my initial/full playthrough, so that’ll be around 3 hours total! 

Achievements unlocked: 16 (+16) | Completion: 91%


Highest ratio: 4.81

Wizarding Workout (Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt. 1)

Lowest ratio:

Getting Back into the Game (Figment: Journey Into the Mind)

as of 05 Jan 2025 @ 11:49 CST


Week of 05 Jan 2025


Week of 22 Dec 2024