Week of 03 Sep 2023
“Your popularity in our city has risen even further.”
Achievements Earned In:
This week was all about Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants and trying to slowly grind my way through the Caribbean. For the most part, a huge portion of the completion can be obtained by jumping into a Trader campaign and creating an empire. You have to accumulate 4 million gold anyway, so with lots of money and power established you can just go through the list of achievements you haven’t gotten naturally and knock them out fairly easily. Heck, I had over 30 million gold soon enough. There are a few achievements you need to stay cognizant of, though. The first is to collect one of every kind of ship. You could always activate the Harbour Master add-on content and just BUILD the ships you need but… I didn’t realize I could do that until I was hours into my campaign and only needing two ships: the Sloop and the Brig. The weird thing is that you start with the campaign with a Brig, so not really sure why I still needed that one. But, once I pilfered one off a pirate convoy the achievement popped so clearly that was indeed the needed ship. You also need to level up a captain of a convoy fully, and 3/6 stats will pretty easily go up while you’re establishing trade routes and such. The other three will require more effort, with two of them necessitating combat and the other just…sitting around. The “visibility range” stat is increased by your convoy just sitting in Patrol Mode. Takes a while, but easy enough. Really a lot of this completion is just time-consuming, with the only “skill-based” achievement being for taking out a much-stronger convoy with just a Pinnace, which is a tiny little boat. After that I moved to the three add-ons, but the first two were FAR quicker than I expected. You just have to quickly build a bunch of structures for the Harbour Master (with all the wealth and materials this was minutes) and then do some quick pirating for Dawn of Pirates. Meanwhile, New Adventures was huge pain and took a lot longer than I expected. The idea of this add-on is you’re given scenarios to complete in the fastest time possible, then post your score on the leaderboards. Thank goodness that you only have to post a score at all and don’t have to actually do well! All I have left is to play for 50 hours (I gotta be close by now…), complete 500 battles started during patrol, and discover 10 pirate nests. That last one appears to be glitchy, as I have found more than 10 at least twice, but I’m sure I’ll get it to pop.
Achievements unlocked: 59 (+42) | Completion: 97%
Highest ratio: 6.42
Whizz-Kid (Port Royal 3: Pirates and Merchants)
Lowest ratio: 2.30
Everything’s new! (Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants)