Week of 04 Feb 2024

“There’s a voice calling out to me… I can hear it.”

Achievements Earned In:
- Palworld
- Opus: Echo of Starsong
- Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway

My kiddo and I started the week trying to play some Palworld, which is still very fun even with the janky performance. I managed to catch a bunch more Pals, getting my total obtained up above 50 finally. The good times didn’t last, sadly, as a save glitch occurred on Thursday and I can no longer load the game at all. Cool. Hopefully they fix all of these glaring issues soon; the game is so fun!

Achievements unlocked: 5 (+1) | Completion: 50%

A very productive week in Opus: Echo of Starsong as I worked my way through the two playthroughs I needed to do. I made sure to enjoy the story my first playthrough, letting the dialogue play out and reading everything. Yeah, I was following a guide, but since you have to visit every location and sub-location, and collect all the Memoires/items, I still got the full experience. And let me tell you… what a mistake. Oh, not because the story was bad or anything, but it’s very poignant and sad and I just did not need that kind of emotional gut-punch right now. That ending… It really knocked me into a poor emotional state. Don’t let anyone tell you video games aren’t impactful art! Overall the completion is very easy, with only two skill-based achievements: one for getting through a debris field without getting damaged, and another for navigating a comet’s coma also without taking damage. I got one of them the first run (apparently you can take damage during the second wave through the coma or something and still get it?) and the other during my speedrun. Speaking of, that run was nice and quick thanks to the guide I wrote for it! I can’t stand following video guides, so I parsed some speedrun videos and guides around the internet for the most efficient route through the game and put it into text. I still need to polish it up some, but it’s close to perfect! Really, all-in-all this game is practically anime Oregon Trail-lite, where you are mostly concerned with managing resources while traversing the galaxy you find yourself in. Easy! And completed with plenty of time to spare.

Achievements unlocked: 40 (+26) | Completed

Joe Biden is very sad this story has come to an end.

Used Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway on Thursday and Friday to extend my streak while I worked on Opus (and the guide I did). First I put in the code for all the collectibles (which gave me all of the achievements related to those) and then got my first action shot. Not a whole lot.

Achievements unlocked: 19 (+5) | Completion: 44%

Highest ratio: 9.22

Just couldn’t let it go (Opus: Echo of Starsong)

Lowest ratio: 1.08

Action Camera Sniper (Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway)

as of 11 Feb 2024 @ 19:07 CST


Week of 11 Feb 2024


Week of 28 Jan 2024