Week of 07 Jul 2024

“I’ve covered wars, you know.”

Achievements Earned In:
- Minecraft
- Maquette
- Watch Dogs
- Dead Rising
- Power Rangers Super Samurai

Only a single achievement needed in Minecraft this week, but since this is still the Switch version it’s very far from completion. I could finish it with little effort, but I’m in no hurry. With a trip coming up, having this to get achievements in if needed is reassuring, too.

Achievements unlocked: 101 (+1) | Completion: 78%

Since I’d been already digging back into Maquette, I decided, “Eh, screw it” and knocked that sucker out this week. I only had the final three stages to do anyway, and I hadn’t run into much in the way of difficulty with the necessary speedruns. There weren’t any glitches to take advantage of either. Probably the toughest achievement in the game is for doing a particular sequence in the final level within a tight time limit, but even that is small effort. I wish I could have enjoyed the narrative part of the game as I’d heard good things, but I just… couldn’t. A tale of a dedicated romantic relationship? Not right now.

Achievements unlocked: 22 (+10) | Completed

This represents that time I got super into conspiracy theories. Have you heard of Pepe Silvia?

I can’t express how excited I am that I get to write about Watch Dogs again. The only thing I had left to complete in the game were the online achievements, and they were all discontinued by some kind of error in the public matchmaking. But here I am, so obviously something was fixed. I just happened to pop into the forum on TA and saw someone mention that the achievements were unlocking. This was an hour or so before the end of my workday on Wednesday, and good thing because I would have been dying to hurry and get out of there before something happened and the achievements went discontinued again. I raced home, even skipped dinner, and spent all night double-boxing! Sadly this took far longer than it should have as the game just refused most of the time to match me up with my other account, instead popping me into matches with the few other people trying to get this done at the time. Out of Tailing and Hacking, the former was more annoying because when you get into the matchmaking for Hacking you actually get to choose who and when you match up with. Overall, not hard with my alt account helping, and I can’t believe I got this done! I guess now I can consider maybe doing the second game…

Achievements unlocked: 49 (+5) | Completed

With the announcement of the upcoming Remaster, I figured I’d finally get around to the only remaining entry in the series that I haven’t completed (at least that I can complete...): the Xbox One port of Dead Rising. And… blech. I forgot just how rough this game is. Actually, let me rephrase that: I forgot how horrendous the survivor AI is. Seriously, my first night playing I managed to gather two groups (the first two groups) of survivors and they were an utter nightmare to get back to the security room to safety. Especially “cowardly” characters like Aaron (Barricade Pair) or Shinji (Japanese Tourists) who will just stand still and cry or sulk and quickly get overwhelmed by enemies. But even the more capable survivors are just utterly useless, trying to attack zombies they could easily just walk by or hitting other (or me!) and causing even more issues. GAH! It’s infuriating and I quickly realized there was no way I was going to get my Saint and Transmissionary playthrough done outright. Instead, first order of business after I complete this blog is to get my Genocider on and obtain that sweet sweet Mega Buster to make this easier. Cheat mode, activate!

Achievements unlocked: 5 (+5) | Completion: 10%

Didn’t play a whole lot of Power Rangers Super Samurai this week as it mostly took the spot of my game of choice to continue my achievement streak when needed. One major issue is that it’s so hot outside/inside, and if I so much as throw a few punches I’m already starting to sweat. Doesn’t help that, unlike Just Dance, it’s just frustrating to play as I flail about and the game decides which action it thinks I’m trying to do. Step to the side to dodge an enemy blast? Oh, clearly I jumped. Duck a thrown projectile? “Huh, odd time to jump,” says Kinect, “but I gotchu, fam.” I’m still a little worried how annoying the harder difficulties will be when I can’t just eat these attacks, but now it’s gonna get done. Made it to level 6 out of… well, not sure. Hopefully not much longer.

Achievements unlocked: 12 (+3) | Completion: 26%

Real heroes don’t look at explosions.

Highest ratio: 4.28

Master Trader (Minecraft)

Lowest ratio: 1.09

Freefall (Dead Rising)

as of 14 Jul 2024 @ 14:45 CDT


Week of 14 Jul 2024


Week of 30 Jun 2024