Week of 24 Apr 2022

“Welcome to The Downer Hotel B&B.”

Achievements Earned In:

- Overwatch
- A Winter's Daydream
- Terraria
- The Good Life


Oh. My. Gods. I finally freaking finished Overwatch! On Sunday, during a session I setup with Eagle 0ne, Tuatha Danaan, and LIT0H, where our only focus was to beat Retribution on Legendary difficulty. I’d actually tried this multiple times the weekend prior with randoms, but they were so inept and annoying, constantly running out to get murdered and ruining the run. I made it to the final pair of Heavy Assaults in one such run, but otherwise it was a waste of time. Therefore, my setting up the session this week! It was a little worrisome at first, with us not making it too far. We even struggled with the various enemy types, and they’d acted like they’d never seen an Assassin before. But before long we had our roles down and were consistently reaching the final area. That just left the madness that is the final fight. In fact, I had to kind of push them to be more aggressive, as when we first started they liked to hang back and have the enemies come to us. This is a very safe way to clear the rest of the level, but you’re trapped in a contained small-ish area for the final waves, meaning if you’re not used to dealing with a barrage of enemies on all sides you’re getting wiped quick. Even then, it’s fairly easy to fend off the normal mobs and the three elite enemies that spawn, but once the two Heavies plop down things get wild very fast. We took to hanging out near the waterfront, up on the leftmost staircase so enemies had to funnel to us in only two directions. We’d focus down the Enforcers, melee and stun the Assassins, and the Cassidy player and I (Genji) would deal with any Snipers. Took us a few tries to get down what we needed to do for the Heavies, though. You just can’t plan with them, but you CAN try to setup a circuit and move slowly enough so they stick to it; move too quickly and one of them will likely start heading to cut you off and leads to disaster. At the end of the three-hour session we hadn’t finished yet, so we decided to push on for just a few more attempts. THANK GOD we did, because it was the second attempt post-session that was the one. Not as hard as Uprising, but Storm Rising was definitely easier. I actually DID have another achievement left, but it was just to complete the Retribution (Story) with all four of the heroes. That didn’t take long, and some of the people from the session stayed to do the same, and in no time I had this whopper of a completion. I’m SO happy to finally have these Story missions completed, and I really hope Blizzard doesn’t add any further achievements in the future. Let this one lie.

Achievements unlocked: 154 (+2) | Completed

Overwatch screenshot

Yes, sir, can you please sit us on the roof, away from the Heavies?

A Winter's Daydream

I recently gained access to all those garbage easy games other achievement hunters buy and play, that take a whole 10-30 minutes to complete fully. With The Good Life and “the stressful real life” still taking all my time, I decided to start one of these to make sure I had my streak locked down before I even left the rental house. The first I decided to start is A Winter's Daydream, one of the least “game” games I’ve ever played. And, probably, the Xbox completion that requires the very least amount of skill or knowledge or even sentience. This is a visual novel game, but normally when a gamer hears that, they think of text boxes (maybe with some voice acting), static images behind them, and choices to be made to reach the end of a branching narrative. Well…this is like that, minus any input from the player. This game is essentially a picture book and you press the A-button to cycle through the dialogue and unlock achievements at major story moments. Now, you might be thinking that you still need sentience to push the A-button and go through the game, but there’s an Auto-Play option in the settings menu, allowing you to literally not even touch the controller to unlock all of the achievements. It’s SO dumb, and I’m glad I didn’t pay for this. The story itself isn’t even interesting and has you spending time with your de-aged cute grandmother?

Nerds are weird…

Achievements unlocked: 6 (+6) | Completion: 55%


Oh, c’mon, Terraria! MORE achievements??? I finished this game at the beginning of 2015, and now this is the SECOND set of new achievements within a year?! Groan, I say! Whatever, two of these new Don’t Starve achievements aren’t too difficult: one is for simply locating a fairy that randomly spawns fairly commonly, and the other is for locating a Gelatin Crystal in Hallowed areas and summoning a boss to defeat. I still have the Zenith Sword from the previous update, meaning the Queen Slime was an absolute joke. The final achievement is for completing a fairly lengthy crafting tree and getting the Terraspark Boots, but I decided against going for that and figured I’d just wait for someone else to hand them to me. Luckily, Adm1ral Awe5ome from the AHA Discord group was nice enough to do just that, allowing me to jump into their game, pick-up the boots, and unlock my achievement. I worry now that developer Re-Logic has started these updates that they’re not gonna stop anytime soon…

Achievements unlocked: 36 (+3) | Completed

The Good Life

And then there was The Good Life, my main focus throughout the week. The funny thing is, I could have had achievements unlocking almost every day of the week, but I decided to instead keep them each a single tick from unlocking juuuuust in case. My in-game daily grind was to sleep for one day, then three days (twice), then make a circuit around town grabbing the four spawned Ancient Fossils before going back to sleep. With the “Paws of Fire” status boost I was able to dig up twice the items, meaning I’d collect eight Fossils every circuit. Not counting every four weeks when I had to refresh the urine at each dig spot or eat to refresh my status effects, each circuit takes around a minute, earning me around £1040.00 each time. You could loop in running out to the three mines and digging up minerals and diamonds to sell, too, but doing the math my method is far more efficient, if not ridiculously monotonous. I kept at it, though, every single day for HOURS, only changing it up when I was at the rental home so I could work on outdrinking the vicar. The day finally arrived on Saturday when I reached that £500k goal, meaning I could quickly run around the town and wrap up everything else. I did have one final achievement to work on: get a Game Over one hundred times. I only had a whole five to start with, so the badger behind the Witch House Pharmacy got to wreck my face a lot. But even that didn’t take long and this massive game was finally done. I don’t know what SWERY has against achievement hunters, but RUDE. Grindy achievements you have almost no way of unlocking during normal gameplay are just a pain.

Achievements unlocked: 42 (+7) | Completed

The Good Life screenshot

Alright, sir, you have some explaining to do…

Highest ratio: 28.47

Boots of the Hero (Terraria)

Lowest ratio: 1.00 (tie)

Start of a journey (A Winter’s Daydream)
Present for you (A Winter’s Daydream)
Magical transformation (A Winter’s Daydream)
Bus ride (A Winter’s Daydream)
Antiques shop (A Winter’s Daydream)
Sweet treat (A Winter’s Daydream)

as of 01 May 2022 @ 01:30 CDT


Week of 01 May 2022