Week of 08 Dec 2024

“Don’t talk about my friends like that!”

Achievements Earned In:
- Palworld
- Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
- Minecraft (Switch, Android)
- Phasmophobia
- No Fate! Only the Power of Will

It was just about the boss fights in Palworld this week, as I faced off against the final raid boss and world boss I needed (for now). The former was Bellanoir Libero, and I already had enough tablet fragments on hand to craft the necessary item to summon the boss to my base. This one was much easier than Blazamut Ryu last week, though I’ve also given in and tweaked all the modifiers to give me the best advantage against everything. This meant beating and catching Paladius was far less of a challenge than doing the same with Necromus previously. A pretty brief time in this game this week, but I’m nearing the end… just as they announce a large expansion is coming shortly that I’m sure will include more achievements.

Achievements unlocked: 28 (+2) | Completion: 90%

Completing the departing Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan was my first goal this week, and it took far less time than I expected. I reached the third world boss late Sunday/early Monday, and then it took no time to reach the final boss and… he was a lot easier than any of the previous bosses, honestly. And I thought the final grind to getting all the Friends to level 3 would take a long, long time, but I’d been diligent enough fishing and collecting items that when I went to start leveling their relationships up, I got them all there with no additional effort! I had a massive surplus of all the fish gummies and could even use the “wrong” ones to get a sizeable amount of their progress bars filled! This was a super cute game, and easy to boot.

Achievements unlocked: 39 (+13) | Completed

We did it with the literal power of friendship! Hooray!

I continued to use my various versions of Minecraft to continue my streak as needed. On Wednesday, I had other achievement hunting plans I wanted to get to, so I loaded up the Switch version and got one of the fair few achievements I still have left. Then I was out of town for the weekend, hitting up Chicago and exploring The Loop. To keep my streak going on Saturday I got the new achievement on the Android version of the game using the same seed as before. Takes about 3 minutes! 

Achievements unlocked: 115 (+1) | Completion: 88%

Achievements unlocked: 130 (+1) | Completed

My main goal this week was to get my first attempts at the Apocalypse III challenge in Phasmophobia under my belt (though sadly fellow investigators TommyToday and Gh0st Who Walks couldn’t help) and it went far better than I expected. For the uninitiated, the challenges requires you to correctly identify a ghost in Sunny Meadows asylum, take a photo of the ghost, complete all three optional objectives, all under some pretty harsh restrictions (no sprint, you’re slower, ghost is faster, 0 evidence, etc.). I started my attempts on Wednesday and soon had my routine down: I’d take in the camera, parabolic mic, and incense, hide in the left corner of the foyer, and wait for the ghost to spawn. If it’s too far for the mic to pickup or in the basement, I reset. If I get the objective involving a Crucifix, I reset. And the goal is to have a Deogen spawn because they have the characteristic of slowing down to such a slow speed when they get close that even with the hindered walking speed of the custom difficulty you can outrun them. 

The first day I was getting about 50/50 on ghosts spawning nearby, and only got two Deogens; they both killed me. Thursday, I only worked for a few hours, and ran home to try some more. I got a single Deogen, and it spawned next to me and I died instantly. I was a couple hours into my attemps, but I’d had some good runs and gotten more brave in going out further into the asylum and surviving. I even got close, with a photo of the ghost and all three objectives knocked out, but the ghost wasn’t showing any identifiable traits so I failed to identify it (it was a Shade!). A run or two later I had another set of good objectives, so I walked into the foyer, the door shut behind me, and as I crouched in the dark listening to the ghost spawn nearby (!) and walk around I heard the slow plodding steps of an obvious ghost: the Revenant. Listening to it marked one objective off, and since I could identify it I decided I’d give it a shot. At first, I waited for it to maybe change favorite rooms and spawn closer, but no go there. After a few hunts I decided on how I’d get a photo of the ghost: irritate it right near the end of its hunt time to make it walk at me so I could smudge and stun it before snapping a pic and running away. It liked to prowl outside the entrance hallway, so as it walked by a final time with less than 15 seconds before disappearing I shouted into the mic and IT CAME RUNNING. Revenants are the opposite of Deogens, walking slowly before noticing you, then sprinting incredibly quickly at you. It burst into the room, I hit the incense and threw it on the ground, snapped pics wildly, and turned and started walking to the exit door. The smudge and escape marked off my final objectives, I had my ghost pic, and it sure as heck was a Revenant! I couldn’t believe I’d finished this so easily. When I first started the game that challenge seemed terribly insurmountable. But it was easy! It’s all downhill and grinding experience from here. And a good start, as I also prestiged for the first time this week. Heck yeah!

Achievements unlocked: 45 (+4) | Completion: 76%

The Twelve Days of Christmas event over on TA is going on, and while I’ve wanted to do it, I just haven’t had the time or motivation to bother. I knocked out the Day One challenge without even trying, but the Day Two one would require some actual planning. As an excuse to whip out the Japanese Xbox 360, I decided to play No Fate! Only the Power of Will to both get Day Two knocked out and work on my NTSC-J backlog. This is another of those Japanese visual novels where you pick a few options while fast-forwarding through the dialogue, profit. I actually couldn’t find any scripts or translations for this one, meaning I couldn’t even get a grasp on what the heck is going on. I managed to get through my first ending on Friday before leaving for Chicago and getting the other ones shouldn’t take very long at all.

Achievements unlocked: 7 (+7) | Completion: 29%

Highest ratio: 15.85

Heart Transplanter (Minecraft)

Lowest ratio:
1.00 (tie)

晴れ、ときどき、女の子 (No Fate! Only the Power of Will)
転校生1人目 (No Fate! Only the Power of Will)
転校生2人目 (No Fate! Only the Power of Will)

as of 15 Dec 2024 @ 16:55 CST


Week of 15 Dec 2024


Week of 01 Dec 2024