Week of 15 Sep 2024

“W-who could’ve known that fire is so hot!?”

Achievements Earned In:
- Ryse: Son of Rome
- Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

I’d completed most of the co-op multiplayer achievements in Ryse: Son of Rome the previous week with my kiddo, BlueMelodia, but still had to play in every environment once. With that out of the way on Sunday, it was all cleanup on my own and starting the multiplayer grind to reach level 200. I tried to do the method where you use a glitch that preserves your combo across sessions to get up to ridiculous levels (highest I achieved was almost x1000), and, while this is far more reliable than playing “for real”, it’s so boring. I did this until near the middle of the week, when I switched to playing Solo on “Revolution” and just racking up lots of points that way. I reached just over level 100 by the time I put this down, so we’ll see which method I stick with when I return.

Achievements unlocked: 72 (+8) | Completion: 95%

Wow, two big new games this year! I rarely play brand new titles, but I couldn’t pass up a new entry in the Mana series, and now I definitely couldn’t pass up Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster on Thursday. If you haven’t played the original Dead Rising, or didn’t read my blog post about doing so a few months ago, it is a very flawed classic. Like, the countdown and mission structure and gameplay are so iconic, but button layouts and mechanics and that horrid, horrid escort AI miss the mark. With this remaster, it’s essentially the same game with a new layer of paint, and some major quality-of-life improvements. A big one is that the B-button doesn’t do almost everything anymore, with the Y-button taking that role, but you can also cycle through nearby interactions with the right bumper! You also don’t automatically zone in or out, either, with the entrances and exits between areas of the mall needing a button press to go through. It’s all little things that add up to just making the game feel so much better. Meanwhile, the character models themselves look much better, but move just like they did in the original. For us completionists, they also took out some of the more annoying achievements, like eating all the food in the mall, or emptying a machine gun clip without missing a shot. The frustrating Transmissionary achievement has also been neutered, with your only needing to respond to 30 calls from Otis, and a new mechanic where you can answer the call and not get interrupted, while also speeding through the dialogue (which you can do everywhere now). This is now a far more enjoyable and easy completion, though guides will still be necessary to survive for 7 days in Infinity Mode and saving all the survivors. I started my playthrough by grinding out the 53k kills to unlock the Mega Buster, which let me quickly skate through the 72 Hour Mode. Man, this is so much more fun this time! On to Overtime!

Achievements unlocked: 43 (+43) | Completion: 86%

Oh, hey there, Adam...

Highest ratio: 6.27

Simply The Best (Ryse: Son of Rome)

Lowest ratio: 1.00

Photojournalist (Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster)
Welcome to Hell (Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster)

as of 22 Sep 2024 @ 15:24 CDT


Week of 22 Sep 2024


Week of 08 Sep 2024