Week of 04 Jun 2023

“On your mark, Noct!”

Achievements Earned In:

- Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition

I’m still in mourning, so I am continuing to game very little and using Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition to continue my streak. I managed to make it through most of Chapter 4, with only the final two achievements left for completing the game. This will be the first chapter where I actually unlock all of the achievements, since there aren’t any larger cumulative achievements like the previous ones. Even the missable boss fight achievement was pretty easy. I’m hoping I can get my mojo back soon because honestly this game itself and everything it stands for in my life is starting to hurt, so it needs to get completed and put away ASAP.

Achievements unlocked: 42 (+7) | Completion: 44%

Cockatoo beaks hurt enough, I’d watch myself around a chocobo.

Highest ratio: 2.23

Titanic Feet of Strength (Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition)

Lowest ratio: 1.85

A Roaring in the Night (Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition)

as of 11 Jun 2023 @ 19:22 CDT


Week of 11 Jun 2023


Week of 28 May 2023