Week of 06 Nov 2022

“It was one loss after another.”

Achievements Earned In:

- Scarlet Nexus
Metro 2033 Redux 🎮
- Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two 🎮
- Overwatch 2 🎮

I finally put an end to the ‘brainpunk’ shenanigans of Scarlet Nexus this week, and starting Sunday it was all about the second playthrough as Kasane. Since there was an achievement popped right away for doing so, I could focus instead on my family throughout the day as my spouse (again, again, again) transitioned out of the hospital into my care. It was a tiring day, but I got to really dig into my New Game+ on Monday as we returned home. I started focusing on the side-missions when I reached that point in the story, and it’s nice because there are over 30 in each character’s playthrough so you can just do a bunch of the early ones on each if you’d so prefer. I had done a large amount on my Yuito playthrough, though I didn’t realize that the Clear data didn’t carry on past when it’s created meaning all the post-game work I put in didn’t help at all. That includes all the post-game missions! Lame, but I must not have needed too many and that achievement popped next. Then it was just quickly clearing the next story section, gifting everything I could to the various characters (especially Yuito now that he was an NPC) for the cross-playthrough Bond achievements, and moving to the next mission. I only had to venture into levels twice to grab area-specific materials and didn’t have to grind enemies at all, so it was all a quick playthrough. The lack of many animated cutscenes still bugged me, but I forgot to mention one neat thing the game managed to include: all the cool and wacky customization you place on your characters carries over to all the story scenes, both of the still-image and animated variety. That’s pretty cool, actually! All-in-all, I completed the game at almost half the estimated completion time listed on TrueAchievements. So not bad! I…still have no idea what the game’s story was. Maybe I’ll have to delve into a wiki sometime. Or watch the anime.

Achievements unlocked: 53 (+16) | Completed

Scarlet Nexus screenshot

Sometimes we all just need to take a minute and find comfort in Baki.

Metro 2033 Redux banner

Now that I was back home, it was time to dig into a non-Cloud game, and I went with Metro 2033 Redux. This game is overall pretty short, but sadly it has been a bit since I last completed one of these stacks, so I was lost at first. I also came down with a nasty respiratory infection as the week progressed, killing any motivation I had. I didn’t really put in a good push to finish until about Friday, and once I sat down and really played I started making quick progress. Besides circling back for some kills, I was able to pickup most of the achievements by following the walkthrough on TrueAchievements. I only have a second playthrough now to mop-up! With this completed, I’ll only have a single stack of the game to complete: the one paired with the sequel, but I’ll do that after I’ve completed the Last Light original game on Xbox 360…which would be next!

Achievements unlocked: 43 (+41) | Completion: 88%

“No, honey, I don’t have food. I was really banking on you being Nosalis dung by now.”

Epic Mickey 2 banner

One problem I have when I’m sick is that it’s hard for me to sit and do anything. I lose all motivation and just kinda zone off. While I kept trying to focus on Metro the first few days I was under the weather, I just couldn’t. During one pass at finding something to do, I jumped into Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two and finally completed the first level. Took only a few minutes, I got bored again and moved on, but I got a little more feel for the game. I’m not sure why I’m dreading this one; the achievements all look very doable. Guess I’m just not vibing with it.

Achievements unlocked: 5 (+2) | Completion: 11%

Now, back when Overwatch 2 was announced, I immediately dismissed it. While I really enjoyed the first game’s gameplay, the achievements were a major pain and those seasonal events were pretty tough. And, of course, I never meant to start it anyway! Imagine my horror, then, that as the release date for the new game approached I suddenly found my “Overwatch: Origins Edition” TrueAchievements page turned into one for the new game. Yeah, annoyingly, Blizzard decided to merge the new game into the old game’s list, meaning I’d now have to carry on playing the new content to keep my completion. That’s so uncool, and I really hope other companies don’t start doing this. I put off bothering with the game due to the terrible launch until this week, when during my infection-induced digital wandering I loaded it up and gave the new character, Kiriko, a shot. Turns out one of her achievements are pretty easy to get and I grabbed my first unlock for the expansion/sequel. Each new character has two achievements tied to them, just like the previous game, and I’m likely gonna need a boosting session to get them. If that’s even possible still? Luckily, I still enjoy this gameplay and will pop in and out and try for the achievements legitimately. No rush, as I’m sure they’ll be adding seasonal event achievements and some for new characters. Blaaaahhhhhhh~

Achievements unlocked: 155 (+1) | Completion: 97%

LIMBO banner

Being sick and tired and feverish, I definitely didn’t expect to seriously jump into LIMBO and finish it up the final achievement I needed. But, over about six attempts across two days, I actually got it! My very first attempt went so well, and I got all the way to literally the final two obstacles before taking my fifth and sixth deaths. The next few didn’t go well, and I usually gave up if I died before the H-O-T-E-L sign, which is the hardest for me for some reason. I did something I never do and would take long breaks between attempts to try and keep myself calm. But, man, so nice! I should probably jump into the Xbox One stack ASAP while it’s fresh in my mind.

Achievements unlocked: 12 (+1) | Completed

LIMBO screenshot

Oh, yeah, I’m sure I’ll be fine and totally not-traumatized after all this…

Highest ratio: 5.05

Yokai (Overwatch 2)

Lowest ratio: 1.11

Demolitionist (Metro 2033 Redux)

as of 13 Nov 2022 @ 15:30 CST


Week of 13 Nov 2022


Week of 30 Oct 2022