Week of 13 Nov 2022

It was the final homestretch for Metro 2033 Redux heading into the week and I didn’t have too much trouble finishing the achievement list a third time. Well, kinda; the Redux list is much easier than the original, though there are still a few of the miscellaneous achievements. One of those, for completing Frontline without touching anyone, is really the only thing close to a tough achievement in this game, and I easily knocked that out on Sunday before moving to my final playthrough on Survival difficulty. I enjoyed this playthrough, as I hadn’t played the game in about two years. Now to do the NTSC-J stack of the original, the combo pack for Redux, and I’ll have them all done!

Achievements unlocked: 49 (+6) | Completed

Metro 2033 Redux screenshot

Russian war never changes.

Hitting the middle of the month, it was time for the next list of games leaving the Game Pass library. I hadn’t played any in a bit, so I figured I’d do one this time. But, oh, looks like there are a good few to play this time around! Three easy games, starting with Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator! Wow, that’s quite a title! And it’s very straightforward, as that’s exactly what the game is: you are a dealer on the intergalactic organ black market; and you bid for and trade various organs. There are all kinds of stats on them, too, and some clients want, say, a small intestine with A+ blood type, or a Mythic-rarity leechlymph. And that’s it! The game seems like something I would have played around with in school next to LIERO and Oregon Trail, but it’s cute and a very easy completion. The only real difficulty is managing your money, because you could absolutely run out and get stuck. Just use Quicken or something.

Achievements unlocked: 15 (+15) | Completed

Organ Trader Simulator screenshot

My spleen just doesn't matter, don't really care about my bladder, but I don't leave home without my pancreaaaaaas~!

Okay, I figured after finishing the Xbox 360 version last week, I’d quickly jump into the Windows version of LIMBO and maybe I’d be able to knock out the hardest achievement first! That…didn’t go as planned, as I actually had to make more attempts this time. But, I did get it! Then I quickly jumped around using Load Chapter to grab all the eggs and polished this sucker off again! …Well, except apparently the newer versions of the games have an additional little zone to go through. In complete darkness. I wasn’t prepared to have to use sound to navigate giant buzzsaws, so that was annoying, but overall it was still easier than the deaths achievement.

Achievements unlocked: 13 (+13) | Completed

Back to Game Pass exits, Archvale was next on the docket, and it wasn’t anything like I thought. I expected more Link to the Past-esque gameplay, but this is more like baby’s first Enter the Gungeon (thanks, ValakC). But, it’s pretty fun and easy, so I started plowing through the completion on Wednesday. The only thing to keep in mind is to keep your gear updated, and dodge the bullets. There’s no guide needed, and the only missable is labeled as such because you can discard the items needed. So don’t toss the three Codices you need and murder everything in your way and you’re set! I actually enjoyed my short time with this one.

Achievements unlocked: 40 (+40) | Completed

Oh wow, the council finally put in that new fondue fountain we voted for!

Whoa, did not expect just how wacky DEEEER Simulator was gonna be. I’d actually almost started it previously, but when I jumped in that first interaction just felt… really cheap. Like a wonky broken Flash game. But, it’s kinda supposed to feel like that, and while the graphics are low-effort, the game actually works pretty well for an indie with this much madness going on at once on-screen. But now it’s leaving the service, so I gave it the chance and really enjoyed the admittedly barebones and short experience. It is WILD, even moreso than Goat Simulator, somehow. When you’re a deer with guns strapped to yourself fighting a mech-monstrosity created out of a corgi cop, polar bear-cars, sheep, and a rabbit, you know you’re playing a work of art. And with none of the achievements requiring much in the way of effort, it’s a win all around.

Achievements unlocked: 17 (+17) | Completed

DEEEER Simulator screenshot

I want to burn this place to the ground. Great beast, fetch me Daenerys from Season 8.

Battlesector banner

With the easy short games out of the way, I thought I’d dive quickly into a longer game leaving Game Pass. Not super long, but very manageable. I knew pretty much nothing about Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector going in, but there were no missable achievements and only a 20-hour completion estimate, so why not? And it was a very good choice because this game is so easy! First off, it’s a turn-based strategy wargame, apparently. You build your squad of Ecclesiarchy besties from various unit types and wade into waves of Xenos that takes turns coming at you. You can easily get overwhelmed, but since there’s no time limit I’d just phalanx my army up (Hellblasters in the back, Aggressor party up front) and slowly take out the enemies as they stepped to us. I think I had the most issue on mission 2, just because I didn’t have the breadth of units to choose from yet. I actually ended the week on mission 14 (of 20) and have yet to fail any. I’m kinda surprised how easy the game is so far, and the achievements are very similar. There are a couple multiplayer ones, but I can easily double-box those. And I have needed no guides for any of the missions or achievements. I’m so glad I took this leap! (…so far)

Achievements unlocked: 25 (+25) | Completion: 83%

Battlesector screenshot

Arjac, why are you shooting into the sky HELP ME!!!

Highest ratio: 5.11

Death Up Close (Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector)

Lowest ratio: 1.00

Self-sacrifice (DEEER Simulator)

as of 20 Nov 2022 @ 20:14 CST


Week of 20 Nov 2022


Week of 06 Nov 2022