Week of 15 Jan 2023

“Krehk Rurha Bring Skull…”

Achievements Earned In:

- Lords of the Fallen 🎮 ☁️
- Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion 🎮 ☁️

This week was all about Lords of the Fallen now that my spouse is (finally) home again. I was at the point in the blatant Dark Souls rip-off where you enter the demon realm, and the game really kicks off from there on out. Like all these types of games, it can be tough, but with the proper strategy, reflexes, and gear you will manage. My first playthrough was all about knocking out all of the miscellaneous achievements and gathering the best gear I could before proceeding to the tougher New Game+ (and ++) mode. The first challenge I ran into was, obviously, some of the bosses. Most of them could be brute forced, but then there was the Guardian; he was a complete annoyance on the first run and an absolute frustrating pain on subsequent ones due to his speedy hard-hitting attacks and kinda-broken seeking strikes. Easily the most annoying douche in the game! For normal enemies, I had trouble at first with anyone with a shield, but soon found more issues dealing with the speedy dual-wielding rogue-like enemies as if they manage to dig into you they’ll typical shear off all your health, especially in later playthroughs. The next real challenge was the add-on area: the Ancient Labyrinth. Following a guide makes the eponymous labyrinth itself easy enough, but the ghostly skeletons that populate it are a bit of a pain to deal with. It’s all worth it, though, as you get a very helpful magic-defense armor set. Paired with the Lord armor set, the Peacekeeper sword, and the Amulet of the Betrayer, the game becomes much more manageable. You can even use the Shelter spell from the Solace school of magic to heal you on the go (thanks for that tip, Dotacom) and save you from using your potions and having to lose your experience multiplier.

The real issues came as I completed the DLC: my achievement for opening all of the labyrinth’s tombs didn’t unlock as I opened the fourth one, which meant I had to run through the add-on again on New Game+. It did unlock that time, but in finishing my first playthrough I also didn’t get the achievement for beating the end boss with a weapon from the DLC. Very freaking annoying. That same achievement didn’t unlock on my second playthrough, either. For my third, I decided to finish defeating the end boss on another of my consoles in case the issue was some kind of lingering data. It worked! I quickly switched over to my main Xbox to get the final achievement I needed (which I wasn’t able to get previously due to trying to get the weapon achievement) and…my save had been deleted. Or corrupted. Either way, it was gone. But, screw it, I decided to just quickly sprint through the game a fourth time. I managed to knock out an entire playthrough in less than four hours and with very little issue. Whew, four whole playthroughs! I’ve definitely had my fill of this game.

Achievements unlocked: 56 (+40) | Completed

Lords of the Fallen screenshot

With the Xbox Series upgrade, the game is definitely a looker.

While the missus is doing fantastic so far back home, we did have to run to Mayo for a day for some maintenance on her feeding tube. It was altogether a 15-minute procedure to fix it, but we had to sit in the ER for almost nine hours, with a two hour drive each way. To secure my streak, I went ahead and quickly popped an achievement in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion via Xbox Game Pass. I’ve heard very good things, and there are accessibility options that takes all of the difficulty out of the game. Should be a fun time! But, I’ll be saving this for later since we’re going back next week.

Achievements unlocked: 1 (+1) | Completion: 3%

Highest ratio: 6.58

My private stash (Lords of the Fallen)

Lowest ratio: 1.00

Tax Evader (Lords of the Fallen)

as of 22 Jan 2023 @ 15:41 CST


Week of 22 Jan 2023


Week of 08 Jan 2023