Week of 28 Jul 2024
“Educate your friends on anti-racism!”
Achievements Earned In:
- Minecraft (Nintendo Switch and Windows)
This has been quite a trip. The plan was to start on the Gulf Coast of Florida and essentially travel down and around the whole state. From Tampa, to Marathon, to Key West, to Daytona Beach; we just sweat and basked in the sun. Achievement-wise, I had started using the Nintendo Switch version of Minecraft to keep my streak going, but, as we moved down to more interesting and busy adventures during the week, I switched to the Windows version. See, for the former, I was mostly doing everything using seeds and setting them up myself, while for the latter I was using a premade map. I switched back to the Nintendo version when we had more time every day, but I still have one super-quick Windows one if I need it as we wrap up the final leg of our trip and prepare to head home. I can’t wait to just relax and game at home again!
Achievements unlocked: 107 (+4) | Completion: 83% (Switch)
Achievements unlocked: 128 (+3) | Completion: 99% (Windows)
I’m so glad someone left all these stations just lying around!